RnIntro - Documentation

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Create and Assign Main Menu

  1. Read Create dropdown and mega menu for HikaShop and VirtueMart
  2. From the Header Toolbar particle, follow Menu Options tab.

User menu icon and moving the menu item to right

  1. From the Template Admin, click on Menu from top right corner
  2. Hover on a menu item and click config icon.

    global adding gantry5 menu class 1

  3. At the CSS Classes input box, add r-menu-right
  4. At the Icon input box, select your preferred icon.
  5. Click on Apply and Save button.

Create Popup Login Form

  1. Create Login Module:
    1. From the Modules manager, click on New to create new module.
    2. Select Login.
    3. Module Position: r-login
    4. Menu Assignment: On all pages
  2. Create Login Content Module:
    1. From the Modules manager, click on New to create new module.
    2. Select Custom.
    3. Add your preferred content.
    4. Module Position: login-content
    5. Menu Assignment: On all pages
  3. Create Login Menu Item:
    1. Navigate to Menus > [Your Preferred Main Menu].
    2. Create new menu item.
    3. Menu Item Type *: System Links > Separator
    4. Set up other elements by referencing the screenshot provided below.
      global popup login with joomla menu 1
      global popup login with joomla menu 2