WT Rebecca Purple - Documentation

WT Rebecca Purple navigation


  1. Login to your WordPress Admin
  2. From WordPress Admin, click on WT THEME_NAME Theme

    global click appearance menu

  3. Here, we will use Base Outline so we can show these global header and footer to all pages and also inherit them on other outlines.
    Click on Layout under Base Outline

    global theme click layout

  4. Scroll down to Navigation section, click config icon next to the Navigation Toolbar particle


Add/Edit Menu

  1. Read and follow Create dropdown and mega menu
  2. From the Navigation Toolbar popup window options, follow on-screen instructions under Menu Options and click on Apply and Save.
  3. Add ICON before SHOP BY CATEGORIES menu item:

    1. From Theme Admin (Very top step #2), click on Menu

      theme click menu

    2. Click config icon next to the SHOP BY CATEGORIES menu item

      theme shop by categories menu config

    3. Now select icon from the popup window

      theme add menu icon

    4. Click on Apply and Save.
  4. Move all menu items from HOME to right:

    1. From the same Menu manager, click config icon next to the HOME menu item

      theme home menu config

    2. On the popup window, add CSS Classes: g-menu-right

      theme add menu icon

    3. Click on Apply and Save.


Account Menu with Popup Login Form

  1. Read and follow Add login menu with popup login form
  2. From the Navigatio Toolbar popup window options, follow on-screen instructions under Login Form and click on Apply and Save.


Search Widget

  1. Read and follow Edit search form
  2. From the Navigatio Toolbar popup window options, follow on-screen instructions under Search Options and click on Apply and Save.


Cart Widget

  1. Read and follow Edit cart widget
  2. From the Navigatio Toolbar popup window options, follow on-screen instructions under Cart and click on Apply and Save.